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Pulp Cleaning

In order to make energy recovery in accordance with the Zero Waste Regulation, the wastes in the form of liquid and sediment separated from the oil trap system of the said wastewaters, which are formed in the kitchen section of the operating institutions and establishments, operating hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and food production companies. With the waste code "degradable kitchen and canteen wastes", you can safely give us your Biomethanization / Biogas license waste.

Oil Holder Pulp Wastes

Grease traps are oil separation units established to remove used frying oil by physical methods, in order to prevent damage to the sewer system by washing dishes or pouring oil directly from the sink, or to reduce the operating costs of the treatment plant during treatment. etc. It is considered appropriate to use the waste code "20 01 08-biodegradable kitchen and canteen wastes" in the Annex-4 waste list of the Waste Management Regulation for the pulp formed in the grease traps used to hold the oil originating from the kitchens of the enterprises. The waste code of "20 01 08- Biodegradable kitchen and canteen wastes" is included in Annex-1A of the "Mechanical Separation, Biodrying and Biomethanization Facilities and Fermented Product Management Communiqué, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 10.10.2015 and numbered 29498. can be evaluated at the facilities.

The general content of the pulp formed in the oil traps used to hold the oils originating from the kitchens is 40-50% water, 30-40% solids, around 10-20% vegetable waste oil and detergent from washing etc. These wastes are not considered as vegetable waste oil.