The vegetable waste oils are being collected at Buca with the help of Habitat Recycling Company.
Buca Municipality in Izmır gives away dishwashing detergents to citizens who bring 5 liters and more waste oil to collection points with the waste oil campaign. Collected waste oils will be recycled.
Buca Municipality which pays great attention to nature-friendly work, has added another one to its environmental projects with its waste oil campaign. As part of the project, Buca’s citizens who bring 5 liters and more of waste oils to collection points will be given dishwashing detergent, while the collected waste oils will be recycled.

Buca Municipality, which has carried out new projects to leave a more livable world for future generations, has launched a nature-friendly campaign with the support of Habitat Recycling.
Buca Municipality Environmental Protection and Control Directorate, started an awareness project to eliminate the dangers to the nature posed by vegetable waste oils used as food materials in homes when its poured into sink expenses. Within the scope of the project, Habitat Recycling company provides its support in the collection of vegetable waste oils. Dishwashing detergent began to be given out to those who brought 5 liters and more of waste oil.

With the start of the project, Buca’citizens began to collect their waste oil for a cleaner environment. The citizens with a waste oil amount of less than 5 liters will be able to deliver their waste oils to Buca Municipality Environmental Protection and Control Directorate, Buca Municipality Social Communication Center and the district headman. Citizens will be able to get the vegetable waste oils that they have collected of 5 liters and above from their address by calling the Alo Waste Line “0850 850 2845”.