Akkol: Habitat Recycling has taken place in Akkollife Magazine. - Habitat Geri Dönüşüm - Atık Yağ Bloğu

Akkol: Habitat Recycling has taken place in Akkollife Magazine.

Akkol, is a company operates in the food sector that provides the vegetable waste oil collection within the accordance of Habitat Recycling Company. Akkol, which has projects in many parts of Turkey, highlights the importance it attaches to sustainable life and climate change in the magazine.

Bu görsel boş bir alt niteliğe sahip; dosya adı image_50437889-1-764x1024.jpg
Bu görsel boş bir alt niteliğe sahip; dosya adı akkollife-dergi-2-768x1024.jpg

Why is the Recycling of Vegetable Waste Oils Necessary and Important?

  • When it is poured into soil, it decreases the fertility rate of soil and pollutes it.
  • It prevents the fires and bad odors with recycling.
  • Vegetable waste oils should definitely not be poured into sewers (sinks), soil, sea and similar environments.

Sustainability by definition is the ability to make the life of humanity permanent while ensuring the continuity of production and diversity. In other words, it is the ability to meet our needs without compromising the needs of future generations. This concept is being used to leave a world that can maintain economic, ecological and at the same time social conditions for future generations.

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