The District of Izmir, Menderes, Cuneytbey District, Headman Ilkay Cicek recieved an Appriciation Certificate for their vegetable waste oil collection project from Habitat Recycling. - Habitat Geri Dönüşüm - Atık Yağ Bloğu

The District of Izmir, Menderes, Cuneytbey District, Headman Ilkay Cicek recieved an Appriciation Certificate for their vegetable waste oil collection project from Habitat Recycling.

Local Headman of Cüneytbey Neighborhood and Chairman of the Association of Headmen started a vegetable waste oil collection project that will be both environmentally friendly and support the budgets of the neighborhood people. Our Habitat Recycling Company, which supports this issue, has presented an Appreciation Certificate to Mr. Ilkay for this awareness.

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The local newspaper Menderes Haberci mentioned about the local Headman of Cuneytbey Neigborhood Mr. Ilkay for his projects and devotion. The headline; The Headman Ilkay Çiçek is Back on Agenda With His Projects

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In our article; it is emphasized that all neighborhood headmen can work with us in line with our support for ssuch projects by recieving the importance of collecting vegetable waste oils,are a sustainable energy source, reducing the damage they cause to the environment and contributing to recycling.

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